Friday, January 29, 2010


Such a good multitasking Auntie to her "Booty" and "Squishy Do" as she's nicknamed them!

Silly Boys!

Jacob making James laugh... :)


Ady and Jen came over to play today. Jacob kept saying, "Two babies!" and spent most of his time showing off for Jen and trying to make Ady laugh. We had a fun morning. Adyson is 2 1/2 month, James is 5 months and Jacob will be 3 in March. So much fun!!

Potty Trained

I'm happy to say that Jacob is potty trained!! YAY! He hasn't had an accident in days, tells me when he has to go and even tries to go on the "big potty" when we're out. I'm so excited. It was definitely worth the time and effort. Good job Jacob!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Potty Training Day #2

Day #2 started with enthusiam. Beginning at 8:00 we pretty much parked it in the bathroom. Even James joined in the fun....
It was almost 10:00 and no accidents but also no successes. It had to be coming soon. Jacob did take Pooh Bear to the potty several times, making sure he took off his underwear (which sometimes Jacob would call them boardshorts :), put it in the potty, flushed, and then washed his hands...
Around 10:30, we had a huge accomplishment. Jacob peed and pooped in the potty! YAY! I never thought I'd be so excited about poop in my life. LOL! Jacob was so so happy! It was such a proud moment for me as a mommy.

By naptime, Jacob successfully went in the potty 4 times with no accidents!! It was a very happy morning for us!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Potty Training Day 1

So, today was day #1 of potty training. The day started out great. Jacob got to choose which pair of big boy underwear to wear and also chose which pair winnie the pooh would wear. We had a juice party with pooh and then Pooh "told us" he had to go potty. We took him to the potty and he went, we clapped and cheered for Pooh and then proceeded to give Pooh 2 skittles for going to the potty. Jacob thought that this was great! Then it was time for Jacob to sit on the potty and here's what happened....

So, then we decided to have a popcorn party (salty snacks were recommended for potty training so that he'd be thirsty and drink more which would therefore make him have to pee more which would provide more chances for practicing ). I also told Jacob he could watch a DVD (also a recommendation so that he'd sit for longer than 3 seconds). This made potty training sound even better. So here's he is... LOL!
After many accidents, he finally went! It was so exciting and cute to see how proud of himself he was! He kept saying, "I did it!" So here he is getting his treat...

All in all, it was a pretty good day. He had about 12 accidents and 3 successes! We're going to work at it again tomorrow so hopefully it will be a good day!

Carrots and Squash

James had his first real solid foods and absolutely loved them. I honestly couldn't spoon them into his mouth fast enough. He'd start to wine between each bite and then when I'd give it to him , he'd smile and I swear he said, "mmmm" LOL! Then he proeceed to eat the entire jar! Then Jacob wanted to help...

Looks I have an eater on my hands. :)

Bath time

James is now in his "sitting up" bath seat. It's so nice because the boys entertain each other.

All clean.............