Thursday, December 17, 2009

James first laugh

James first giggled at 3 months old and I captured it on camera. So sweet!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Such a good big brother

Before James was born, I was so nervous that Jacob was going to be jealous of James and would not like him. I was so wrong! Jacob just loves his little brother. He is always very concerned about where James. He always asks me, "Where's James?" Or even if James is totally content, Jacob gets in his face and says, "It's okay James" or "What's wrong James" He always wants to help with bathtime and tells me all the time how cute James is. So sweet. I hope they grow up to be best friends...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A day with Thomas

Who's that puffing down the track......... It's THOMAS! They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight..............
Today we took Jacob and James to "The Island of Sodor" Okay, not really, but at least Jacob thought it was! He got to meet Sir Topham Hat, Ride the Thomas train, play trains, check out older historic trains... trains, trains and more trains. I think Jacob thought he died and went to heaven. He had so much fun!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Adyson Breann Conzelman

Adyson Breann Conzelman was born on 11/10/09 weighing in at 8lbs 9oz and was 21 inches long.

Proud parents Michael and Jen!

Congratulations on a beautiful little girl!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Carrie's Engaged!

Carrie got engaged to Daniel McGuckin on October 31st! They are planning to get married in May 2010. Yay! They are an awesome match and I've never seen Carrie happier! We are so excited. Welcome to the family Dan. We love you both!

Peter Pan and his Shadow

For Halloween this year, Jacob was Peter Pan and James was his Shadow! Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Jacob had so much fun picking a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch! Carrie and Ella met us there. Jacob took Ella by the hand to take her to the train.
Jacob loved the train ride but Ella was a little pensive about it. Jacob kept saying, "choo choo" while Ella was saying, "I want to be all done" That's the difference between boys and girls :)
Paul and Jacob carved the pumpkin!

Jacob called it a "scary guy"

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October Weddings

We've been busy with weddings these past two weekends. The first was Kirsten and Ryan's wedding up in Lake Tahoe. It was a beautiful wedding starting with blue skies and ending in the first snow of the season.
Then the next weekend we headed out to Palm Springs for Ben and Lara's wedding. It too was beautiful and so much fun with Phil Shane to top it all off! Congratulations Newlyweds....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Someone wants to be the baby!

Jacob has been so funny about James these days. He always wants to know where James is, what James is doing, etc... He tells me to pick James up when he's crying, put him down when he wants me to be playing with him, and wrap me up like baby James. Today he wanted to get in James' crib with him. He liked it so much he didn't want to get out. I finally took him out and put him in his bed for a nap. He then said, "Mommy, wrap me up and give me a bottle" (he calls the pacifier a bottle :) I told him that only babies need pacifiers and need to be wrapped up and that he was a big boy. He kept on and on about it...

So I did it.....

He spit it out and we laughed for about 5 minutes....

Then after leaving him to nap, he started to cry, "I don't like my bed, I want to sleep in my crib" Oh my....someone wants to be the baby... :(

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mommy and Me Preschool

Jacob had his first day of Mommy and Me Preschool at St. Paul's. He got to paint, sing songs, feed a turtle and a bunny, play with play doh, water table, snack time, etc... We had so much fun spending some time just the two of us!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome James Matthew Conzelman

James Matthew Conzelman was born on August 22, 2009 at 4:21pm weighing 7lbs 4 oz and measuring 20 1/2 inches. He was healthy, beautiful and perfect!His big brother, Jacob was very happy to meet him.This picture was taken at 2 days old!And now James is 3 weeks old. They change so fast!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

38 weeks

Well, the day is drawing near. I have at the most, one week left until baby James enters this world. My Dr. told me that he'd induce me on August 22nd if I haven't had him by then. It's crazy to me that in 7 days or less our lives will be changed forever. Jacob will have a little brother to love and teach and play with and Paul and I will have 2 little boys to love on. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Thank you to everyone for all the support, love, prayers and concern throughout my pregnancy. I feel blessed to have such caring people in my life. I'm thankful that James will grow to know and love every one of you. 7 days........ :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Daniel and Steve came over last night for a sleepover. We ate pizza, played in the backyard, went in the jacuzzi and then Stever helped me make dessert. Both boys read Jacob a bedtime story and then proceeded to pretend to go to sleep in the hall so that Jacob would be okay going to sleep :) This morning Jacob got up super early (5:45) saying, "I want to see Daniel & Steve". Someone was a little excited. We then did our standard trip to the donut store. Yummy! Jacob thinks it's cake! LOL!We had so much fun. Then, the boys took Jacob for a spin around the block in his Jeep Hurricane and then ran back and forth upstairs til they were worn out. It doesn't get better than playing with your older cousins! Jacob loves them so much! About 30 minutes after they left this morning, Jacob was fast asleep on the couch! Thanks for coming over boys!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Last weekend, Jacob got his "big boy bed" in his "big boy room" He was so excited when he got the bed. He wanted to play on it all day long. When night came, we were a little nervous on how it would all go but it went pretty smoothly. He went right down and didn't get out of bed once. The first morning he woke up at 5:45, second morning at 6:45 and then today at 7:45... Yay for progress. It's crazy that we've made it through another milestone. My baby is not a baby anymore :(

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Carrie and I took Jacob to see a movie today. The Tustin Market Place has free family movies throughout the summer. Today they were playing one of Jacob's favorites, "Kung Fu Panda" It was cute because he didn't weigh enough to sit in a seat by himself. The seat kept folding up on his little body. So Carrie and I wedged our purses between the seats to hold his down. He loved sitting in his own seat with his own giant bag of popcorn. He didn't quite get that he had to be quiet so a few times he'd call out to the screen, "Where's Panda" and "Oh no Panda" or "Look at That!" And at one point, he leaned up over the row in front of us and said, "Peek-a-boo" He lasted about an hour into the movie and then said "All done" so we left. What a fun morning it was!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sweet Baby James

We got a 3D/4D ultrasound done today and got a sneak peak at our sweet baby James. James is 30 weeks old. Bammie, Pop, Nana, Pap, Auntie Carrie, Aunt Dee Dee, Uncle Paul and Jacob were all there to see James rolling around on the screen. A lot of the time James was covering his face but they were able to get a few good pics. Jacob kept saying "funny guy" and "he's dirty" while watching. :) It was so much fun to be able to see our little one come to life right in front of our eyes. It makes it so much more real! I can't wait to meet him... only about 10 weeks to go!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Natalie's Bridal Shower

Sarah and I threw a bridal shower for Natalie last weekend. Natalie is getting married on August 29th 2009 to Ryan Vance. They are an absolute perfect match for each other. I couldn't be happier for the two of them. Congratulations to both of them on taking this amazing next step together!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Paul's 30th

We celebrated Paul's 30th birthday with all of our close friends on a double decker bus. We started at Jimmy's then went to the Continental Room, then to the Auld Irisher and back to Jimmy's. It was definitely a night to remember and we are so thankful for everyone that celebrated with us.

Paul turns 30 on June 11th. Happy birthday, my love!