Thursday, February 26, 2009


Jacob has come a long way since he started swim lessons at 13 months old. It used to be that we'd be driving to his lesson and we'd turn on Katella and he'd start crying because he knew where we were going. Then, he would continue to cry, well, lets be honest, scream, the entire lesson. Then he got to the point where he'd just suck his thumb the whole time (even while floating on his back. :) But now, he absolutely loves his lesson as well as his teacher, "Mrs. Nett" as Jacob calls her. It's fun to tell him in the morning that we get to go to swim today because all morning he says, "swim, swim". He is becoming a little fish in the water and he's only going to get better from here on out. Enjoy the video!

Monday, February 2, 2009

God's gift- 10 weeks

On Friday, we got to hear the beautiful sound of our baby #2's heartbeat. It took the nurse a minute or two to find it but once she did, it was strong and fast! And after hearing the heartbeat, she asked if we wanted to see the baby. She said I really wasn't supposed to get an ultrasound until 19 weeks but she said she'd make an exception. So, we got to see the tiny little peanut on the screen. She even waited long enough for us to see it move. We saw little hands and fingers moving about. And then one hand went over the face and she said she thought it could be sucking it's thumb. We might have another thumb sucker! What an absolute blessing it was to be able to hear and see the little miracle growing inside of me. It's amazing how in just 10 short weeks the baby is already so full of life. When you witness such an awesome beautiful thing like this, you can only thank God!